Thursday, August 17, 2017

DRAWN TO HIM, A Romance Collection by Various Authors.

There are some men who make you helpless.

You know the kind. They steal the breath from your lungs and make your heart beat a little faster with a single look. You can’t stop staring, but the moment they pin those gorgeous eyes on you, you’re done for.

The kind that’s too hard to resist.

This is a collection of men just like that.

Handsome, confident and all for you.

My Thoughts After Reading 

I was provided with an ARC by the illustrious K.L. Kreig. I've read most of her works so I already know it's gonna be awesome. The Black Swan Affair is one of my favorite books to date.

Drawn To Him, is a collection of short stories from eight incredibly talented authors. I've read all eight short-stories. And of course, as always, I have a couple of favorites... Since the ARC was provided by Ms. Kreig, and since it was the first story I'd read, I'm going to write my thoughts about "One Night."

One Night is a story about second-chances. It all started with the lead characters having a passionate one night stand—both were going through something difficult, found solace in each others arms, one of them leaves before the other wakes up—you know, the works... and then they find eachother years after, only in the most unconventional way. Their lives couldn't be more entwined, let's leave it at that.

I'm not really a huge fan of novellas. They always leave you wanting more—like right now! There's nothing more I can say except that I wish the story were a wee bit longer, lol. I would've wanted to read a wee bit more about Saine and Bennett. I'm sure other fans would agree with me.

I know I was provided with an ARC, but for those who wasn't, this is definitely worth your time and money—good stuff right here.

My other faves in the book were Infatuation by Author Willow Winters and The Billionaire's Beginning by Author M. Never.

Drawn To Him will be available on September 19th.

#PicQuotes for ONE NIGHT by Author K.L. Kreig and THE BILLIONAIRE'S BEGINNING by Author M. Never.