I was reading the blurb and I was so thrilled to receive its arc... Stories like these always give me the warm fuzzies... The push and pull of the characters of a fake-to-real love story is always so exciting.
I loved the concept eventhough the storyline isn't new. I've read a bunch of it over time and as a matter of fact, this week alone, I had two other arc's of the same concept... Anyway, moving on to Piper and Matthew's story...
I can relate to Piper's insecurities because let's face it, everybody has been insecure one point in their lifetime and just wants to be accepted, especially by their own flesh and blood... I know there are parents who push their kids but thats understandable because every parent only ever wants the best for their child... and Matthew... well what happened to him in the past can really mess up a person— mentally and emotionally...
Overall, the lead characters were alright... but to be honest I'm not quite sure how I feel about them... I know the story takes over the Christmas weekend, but still their relationship developed super lightning fast... I get that its possible to be attracted to someone outright but considering the whole story, I didnt think Piper was that liberal or that forward... especially on that first night together... I dont know... I 'm not saying its bad to be sexual... I just felt that there wasnt enough build-up of excitement between the two... there was not enough thrill... it was like watching porn—which isnt bad but still I expected something more... Plus, Piper was supposed to be this brilliant editor and I'm trying to understand how she failed to not cover all her bases especially with her brother.... and dude! what person in their right mind jacks off with a stranger lying next to you (with the person who hired you in the first place), when there's a perfectly functioning bathroom a few feet away? I'm sorry... In my head, it didnt make sense... or I guess I'm just a romantic sap that way... It wasnt very realistic is all I'm saying.
I want to love this story a hundred percent, I really do... but for me, it fell short somewhere... I felt like it was so predictable and cheesy. I didnt realy want to, but I was rolling my eyes so much I was afraid it might get stuck that way... I know readers choices differ from person to person... As reader, I would've wanted them to somewhat bond or get to know eachother better before the trip... like more of those vanilla cupcake moments... butterfly-in-my-tummy inducing moments... those stuff...