Wednesday, October 16, 2024

WICKED DREAMS Book 1 by S. Massery


Caleb and Margo.

Its been a while since I've read an S. Massery book, so when I saw this and read the blurb—which what hooked me, I was already waiting in dire anticipation.

I didn't know this was going to be more than 1 book or would end up in a cliff-hanger. I don't remember reading that it would, but I might've missed it... 

Anyway, Cale and Margo... they were bestfriends growing up and got separated because of something Margo's mom did, which wasn't specifically clear what exactly... there was a reason but still it was implied the obvious reason wasn't it.

It's a high school, bull¥ romance. Some scenes were ridiculous, and I kept forgetting these were highschool kids. When the book ended, I was like, "what?? noooooo!" Just when it got so good...

I hope in book 2, Margo will let Caleb süff€r or grovel or... have another love interest as "powerful" or "influential" as Caleb so he doesn't bull¥ the guy easily and he finally sees her worth.