Monday, June 24, 2024

OVER THE LIMIT by K. Bromberg


"You’re mine, that’s what you are. Every single part of you is mine, and I can’t wait to be able to tell the world. Don’t you get that? This mind. This heart. This body... Baby, you are mine.”

Lachlan and Blair.


I'm still high from reading this book. I'm usually a contact sports girl but reading this series has opened my heart to racers. There's just something about them.

The storyline was a little controversial and sort of taboo because both men are from the same team and Blair also does events for the team. This was an exciting read!

Blair was relatable to me in the way she was treated by Rossi... and I'm happy she found someone who truly  loves her.

This book is one of those you'd want to re-read and never get tired off.

I totally recommend this!