Thursday, November 7, 2019




Mia Kayla is one of my favorites! She's very humble and interacts with her readers and treats them like long lost friends... you don't really get that with a lot of authors... She is an automatic "one-click" to me... I love all of her books especially Marry Me For Money. I've probably re-read it 4x since it came out.

I don't even know where to begin... this one gave all the feels. While yes, indeed all her books gives me all the feels, this one made me cry... It's funny, sexy and heartwarming and at the same time it'll pull on heartstrings.

The pacing is good, the characters were fascinating and the overall storyline has it's own uniqueness. Is it okay if I say I love Jordan and Christene more than Cade and Angie? Lol...

Christene was relatable... at least to me she was. She's the eldest... she'd been burned badly before... she has insecurities that is not obvious to the outside world... and she has a special bond with her father. 

Jordan, was also relatable in his own way... take away hollywood from him, and you'll see someone who wears a mask and has walls built up to there...

I love the story... I knew it was going to be good but it surpassed my expectation. I can't wait to read more!